75 Days to Live an Extraordinary Life
“In his best-selling book Unshakeable, Tony Robbins explains that our lives are not shaped by our conditions but rather by our decisions. Living an extraordinary life is a choice that is always available to you despite your circumstances.” (source: Inc.com - Bill Carmody)
I’ve decided to give myself permission to live an extraordinary life, to feel effortless in what I do or don’t do. I believe we all have the ability to choose such a life… to find true freedom whatever our circumstances, wherever we live.How am I going to choose to live an extraordinary life?I’m running an experiment… for 75 days, I will stop doing the things that bring me grief and anxiety, bring out less than my best (like surfing social media, hoping someone will book a call or workshop). Everything I do will come from a place of creative joy, love, kindness… the stuff that makes my heart sing.It feels as though the last 4 years (more likely my entire lifetime) have been leading me to this moment… to truly living what I portend to encourage others toward. To live life on my terms free of fear, worry, comparison and doubt.We all struggle with hindering thoughts - negative narratives sucking away the joy, love and belief we once held of an extraordinary life... until life’s infinite possibility becomes buried under the rubble, forgotten."The secret of living an extraordinary life is to take control of the mind, since this alone will determine whether you live in a suffering state or a beautiful state. In the end, it's all about the power of decisions. Our lives are shaped not by our conditions, but by our decisions." ~ Tony Robbins ~
How did I come to this (crazy) idea of an extraordinary life?
It didn’t happen on a whim, it wasn’t born of an evening of wine and wallowing... I’m actually in the throes of a nine day cleanse and abstaining from alcohol and caffeine for the month. No wonder I’ve gone off the deep end, RIGHT? But I’m quite lucid and... Hugh made me do it!You see, he is adamant I am meant to write and he sees the weight I carry when I’m not living at my best. So, sitting in the sun in our backyard (our daily happy hour), him with a beer, me with my wine glass of Pellegrino and blueberries… (my wine supplement for the month).
Here’s what he said…
“What if money wasn’t an object and you didn’t have to worry about growing your business? What if you had 75 days to just be creative, to do only the things that bring you joy - that make your heart smile? What would it feel like? What would you do?”It got me thinking… I mean really thinking… and mind mapping the things I would choose to do. In that process, a deep desire burst forth… a knowing. It’s the next step in my personal and spiritual growth, stepping off of the plateau, climbing the next mountain, discovering the next vista.
What will be my 4 biggest challenges to living my extraordinary life?
#1 Overcome negative thoughts and narrative
Without a doubt my biggest battle will be with my mind (ego). Letting go of the need and possibility of not being able ‘to contribute financially’. Money equals independence for me and I’ve been unlearning that belief system over the course of the last 18 months. It’s not like I intend not to work (I love coaching and teaching photography). I’m moving from a need to attract clients to creating space for them to show up when they are ready.
#2 Instill discipline in the things that matter most
This is not about sipping margaritas by the pool all day… not that I intend to decline any offers. The intention is to embody self love and bathe in all things creative… do the things I love doing... helping people, photography and writing every day. Out of this journey, my first book shall emerge.
#3 Avoid the lure of ‘ordinary’
I love being not ‘normal’, not like everyone else and I really want to stay on the path of confidently following my heart. Perhaps it’s because I ignored it for so long… tried to fit in and live on other’s terms. My heart tells me this is right, this is what I’m meant to do… to embark on this journey and share all of the vistas, valleys and vices I encounter. It’s going to be EXTRAORDINARY.
#4 Fight the fear
As I was writing this very paragraph, basking in the glow of my newfound bliss and surprising lack of fear… I was presented with a significant financial hardship. It’s intriguing to me the timing and it became immediately clear... I’m being tested. My commitment is being questioned. There will be more and I’m ready to fight the fear.You might be thinking... LET’S GET REAL... you are thinking, ‘WOW, must be nice to have the ability, the means, the support’...fill in the blank. Yes, those things are all wonderful and helpful and...I do have a great life but… I choose to step beyond what is comfortable, to see where it takes me and what lessons it brings. It is my hope that in taking this journey and sharing it with you, it inspires something inside… to take action on… you know, that thing you’ve always wanted to do and never had the time, money, ability, support, courage…"What I've come to realize is that the single most important decision in life is this: Are you committed to being happy, no matter what happens to you?" asks Tony Robbins. "To put this another way, will you commit to enjoying life not only when everything goes your way but also when everything goes against you, when injustice happens, when someone screws you over, when you lose something or someone you love, or when nobody seems to understand or appreciate you?"I promise to tell all, not hold back on the icky stuff and if I falter, I’ll lean on you for a little grace and compassion... with your permission of course.Are you willing to start living your extraordinary life? I’d love to hear your own experiences and thoughts, whether you think me loony, lofty or somewhere in between. Let me know how it’s going here.Hi I’m Donna. I’m deeply passionate about helping people achieve more than they thought possible by creating habits and practices aligned with who you are and how you want to show up. If you’re even a little curious to explore how to get where you want and deserve to be faster, I invite you to a 30-minute no-obligation discovery call. You can book it right here.