A matter of perspective
Through the Lens - edition #1
My first camera was a little 110. I don’t remember the make - I do remember it went everywhere I went, including my first trip to the Oregon Coast. It was a BIG deal. A family trip like nothing we had done before. There was no camper, no tent. The five of us in the family car, my camera in hand and ready to capture every moment
There are two things I remember clearly. #1 - I used a lot of film over the two weeks. #2 - My parents advised me it was now my responsibility for the cost of buying and developing film.
Looking back on those photos I still recall my sense of awe. A slight shift in light, changing where and how I stood or in some cases laying on the ground, noticing how the camera could translate what I saw and felt onto print. I was hooked.
I am reminded of how far my photography has come since that first camera. I am equally thrilled to realize how much I was able to see in those earlier days through the lens of my camera.
Now when I carry my camera, I see more meaning and nuance in every frame. I see beyond the obvious. I see what’s possible even in the mundane. I seek to express all that I see, all that I feel. Sometimes I succeed. At times, I am surprised. Never disappointed even for those photos never to be shared, now residing in ‘delete’ heaven.
Recently I was walking with a friend along an old forest road. Not by coincidence, we were there to connect with nature, ourselves and each other.
We walk in silence, at times in quiet reflection following the path before us. Something draws my attention. I have to pee but there’s more to it. And so I wander down a game trail conveniently appearing off to my right.
On my way back to catch up with my friend, I am struck by a small grove of birch trees. As so often happens with my camera in hand, I lose myself in the moment and all that is possible looking through the lens.
Photography offers a view into another world. A chance to reflect on what is real, what is perceived and most importantly what lies within or just beyond..
I share these with you anticipating some may resonate, others may not. You may not see nor feel what I feel. But I invite you to consider what you do see, what you do feel. What is real for you? What might you see differently when you look through the lens open to what is possible?
Hey I'm glad you're still here...
If you enjoyed this first edition of my 'Through the Lens' Newsletter it would be awesome if you wanted to share it with someone. Simply forward this email to a friend.
Maybe you've been thinking about exploring your interest in photography. Did you know I've relaunched my 'Love Your Camera' photography workshops?
More exciting news - ‘Creative Expressions Photography Retreat coming in May 2025. Check out here.
ღ Donna ღ