Welcome to the universal energy of Reiki

I was introduced to Reiki at a time of deep emotional transformation. If not for the indelible trust in my dear friend, I might have missed a life changing experience. After years of exploring, experiencing and practicing Reiki, I have learned the best explanation is the experience itself. How it works, what it does or why it is so impactful simply can’t be expressed in words. You truly need to experience it to appreciate all that it offers in enhancing your overall wellness.

Create Balance

When we create balance in body, mind and heart, we are better able to experience our greatest sense of wellness. As a Reiki practitioner, my intention is to help you deepen your level of relaxation and connect to your body's natural ability to heal itself.

Receiving Reiki helps promote deep relaxation, allowing the body to return to its natural state of emotional and physical well being.

Reiki is an ancient Japanese alternative therapy developed by Makao Usui in the 1920’s. It uses a practice of gentle touch to treat the whole person, embodying the physical, emotional and spiritual.


Of the many benefits one can experience from Reiki, the most significant may include

Improve sleep & overall well-being

Alleviate anxiety
& stress

Enhance healing of grief & trauma

Relieve headache, pain & tension

Accelerate recovery
from injury & surgery

Increase sense of peace & relaxation

    • You are encouraged to hydrate well before and after.

    • Avoid caffeine and alcohol up to 24 hours prior if possible.

    • Dress comfortably and arrive a few minutes early.

    • You remain fully clothed for the session and will be asked to remove belts, watches, eyeglasses and jewellery.

    • Your session allows for up to 75 minutes including 45-60 minutes receiving Reiki.

    • We will chat briefly before your session and I will ask you for your ‘intention‘.

    • It can be helpful to consider what you wish to experience from the session. This can be identified in a word, series of words or whatever you choose.

    • You may prefer to just let things flow and simply ‘be‘.

    • It is up to you if, what and how you share about your experience.

    • Reiki can not cause harm and experiences will vary between sessions.

    • Some notice sensations, thoughts, visuals, colours, etc. while others simply experience a relaxed state.

    • It is not uncommon for the effects of Reiki to last up to a few days.

    • You may notice changes in sleep patterns, stress/anxiety and other emotional, mental or physical influences for several days following your session.

    • Crystals, essential oils and other modalities may be used to assist and heighten your Reiki experience.

    • I believe everyone should be able to experience Reiki and I practice the pay-what-you-can philosophy.

    • While each session offers a value of $108, I offer Reiki in exchange for what you have available to you.

    • For those that have the funds, payment is gratefully accepted via e-transfer or cash at the time of session.

    • Special bundle rates are available on request.

Reiki is considered a complementary treatment and not to be used in replacement of prescribed medical treatment. Consultation with a medical professional is recommended prior to seeking alternative treatments. Reiki is not intended to treat, cure, diagnose or prevent any illness. The experience of Reiki is very personal. Individual experiences and results may vary. Information and statements made available to you about Reiki are for informational purposes and are not intended to replace the advice of your medical professional. If you have a severe medical condition or health concern, see your medical provider. This disclaimer also applies to all additional products and services provided by the practioner, including written information, observations, and any information provided orally or by any other medium of communication. Medical advice must only be obtained from qualified healthcare providers.